West Indies' captain Dwayne Bravo appeared sure of his side's capacities as they undertake an in-structure India on Sunday."i know it is going to be a saltine of an amusement. We know India are a great group; it is going to be a great diversion. Both groups are extremely solid in rocking the bowling alley and batting. Give us a chance to perceive how Sunday turns out," Bravo said.
West Indies began their battle of the tri-country ODI arrangement with an effortless six-wicket win over Sri Lanka as Chris Gayle went to the gathering with a ton that earned him the Man of the Match. Bravo said the thump had backed off parcel of weight on his side and would have liked to see him get more runs in the competition.
"Chris is the best hitter on the planet and is our best player, and we are constantly euphoric to see him getting runs," Bravo said. "We know it has been a while since Gayle has made a century, he has been getting begins yet when he gets a begin on a wicket like this he need to trade in for cold hard currency."
"He has backed off weight now. I realize that at the again of his brain he felt that he wasn't scoring huge for us and he knows how paramount he is as a player for us. I am exceptionally cheerful that he scored an alternate hundred and batted profound into the innings and I realize that once Chris is in that sort of structure, it is beneficial for us as a group and useful for the West Indies cricket," he included.